


Science and Business Join Forces in Wrocław. LG Energy Solution Wrocław and WSB Merito University in Wrocław have signed a cooperation agreement

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The main objectives of the agreement, signed by LG Energy Wrocław and WSB Merito University in Wrocław, include joint development projects and internship programs for students in the field of new technologies.

"For several years, we have been strongly connected with Wrocław and the Lower Silesia region, as our goal is to support local communities in the development of education and science," emphasizes Jangha Lee, President of LG Energy Solution Wrocław Sp. z o.o. "Collaborating with such an important university in Poland as WSB Merito University in Wrocław is another step in this direction. We want to enable young people, already at the university level, to have contact with the industry and gain the experience necessary for further development and building their professional careers. I also hope that our cooperation with another Wrocław-based university will contribute to building a platform for knowledge exchange, experience sharing, filling in missing resources, which will stimulate innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth."

The agreement between LG Energy Solution Wrocław Sp. z o.o., the largest producer of lithium-ion batteries for the automotive industry in Europe and a global leader, and WSB Merito University was signed during a ceremony in Biskupice Podgórne. Minkyo Kim, Business Management Group Leader at LG Energy Solution Wrocław Sp. z o.o., and Prof. Dr. Marian Noga, Director of the Business Cooperation Institute, WSB Merito University in Wrocław, signed the agreement. The agreement will allow university students to participate in internship programs and internships conducted at the company's facility in Biskupice Podgórne near Wrocław.

"WSB Merito University in Wrocław has signed a cooperation agreement with the global company LG Energy Solution from South Korea. LG is primarily known for manufacturing home appliances, but few people know that LG manufactures batteries for electric cars in Biskupice near Wrocław. It is the largest company of its kind in Europe and a leading one in the industry in our country's region, and Lower Silesia is the largest hub in Europe for the production of batteries for all types of vehicles. I am pleased that from now on, LG Energy Solution Wrocław is among the university's business partners. The initiated cooperation will enable the implementation of interesting scientific projects and the exchange of ideas between the academic world and business. Importantly, it will also allow students to get to know the company through study visits and gain valuable professional experience during internships," explains Prof. Marian Noga.

WSB Merito University in Wrocław (formerly the Higher School of Banking) is one of the largest private higher education institutions in Poland. It offers bachelor's and engineering degree programs, master's degree programs, integrated master's programs, postgraduate studies, and MBAs.

"Despite the fact that the demand for EVs is not growing as fast as expected, our factory is focusing on further development. Planned internship and practical programs in cooperation with WSB Merito University, developed by our specialists and university staff, will allow us to support young talents. Thanks to this, students will be able to prepare for the requirements of the job market, gain necessary experience, and after completing their studies, start working in our factory and practically apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired. LG Energy Solution Wrocław aims to cooperate with the best," emphasizes Minkyo Kim.

Recruitment for internship programs will begin in May. Announcements will be published through the Career Office of WSB Merito University in Wrocław and on the LG Energy Solution Wrocław website. The internship will start in mid-July and end in late September. Students admitted to the program can count their internship as mandatory practices required by the university. During internships, participants support engineers and specialists in their daily work and also conduct minor projects under the supervision of a mentor. Students also have the opportunity to sign up for training in hard or soft skills and participate in workshops such as: 8D Report, Lean Six Sigma, Problem Solving.

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