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Sustainable Development

Our approach

LG Energy Solution Wrocław constantly strives to achieve a balance between the company’s business activities and the protection of the environment and the impact on its social environment. We attach the utmost importance to occupational health and safety and environmental activities. We believe that care for the environment, the well-being of local communities and responsible management are key to the long-term success of the company in the spirit of sustainable development.

In order to act in accordance with the above values, a responsible approach to ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) issues, i.e. environmental protection, social issues and corporate governance, is essential.

Management systems

LG Energy Solution Wrocław has a Health and Safety Management System in place according to ISO 45001:2018 and an Environmental Management System according to ISO 14001:2015, as evidenced by periodically renewed certificates. Both management systems are successively extended and improved. This is the result of employee involvement at all levels of the organisation. The certificates cover the production of lithium-ion batteries.

The direction of improvement of the systems is defined by the Health, Safety and Environment Policy.

Health, Safety and Environment Policy

At LG Energy Solution, we understand that taking care of safety, health and the environment are the cornerstones necessary to be competitive in many fields. In order to continually improve in these areas, we are committed to the following principles:

Our rules


We commit to comply with all legal requirements in the field of Environment, Health and Safety and to establish global principles and best practices in this area.


We commit to continually strive to innovate throughout the life cycle of our products to provide environmentally friendly products and services.


We commit to providing a safe and healthy working environment and building a corporate culture in line with these principles.


We commit to support our business partners and local communities in improving environmental and health and safety practices as part of our sense of social responsibility.


We commit to informing all stakeholders about our Environmental, Health & Safety programmes.

ESG areas


Management of environmental issues is the responsibility of the Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) department, which ensures that our management systems are operating correctly, in line with the Health, Safety and Environment Policy.

Responsibility also rests with employees at every level. All employees go through mandatory environmental training as part of their induction training. In addition, we build environmental awareness through internal information campaigns related to environmental protection. We involve our employees in environmental campaigns such as the collection of used electrical equipment and the reuse of waste generated on site, particularly wood.

We carry out ongoing monitoring of our environmental impact in terms of gas, sewage and noise emissions, as well as qualitative and quantitative waste records and introduce organizational and technical measures to reduce emissions in every environmental aspect. Acting in accordance with legal requirements, we regularly report environmental impact issues, including the amount of process waste, air emissions or hazardous substances to the relevant authorities. We carry out internal audits on environmental issues and, as part of our ISO 14001 certification and undergo periodic external audits to confirm compliance with the relevant norms and standards.

Social issues


Ensuring safety and appropriate working conditions is a priority for us. Top management and the EHS department are responsible for the implementation and improvement of the health and safety management system, certified to ISO 45001:2018. Our site has a Health and Safety Committee, which is made up equally of employer and employee representatives. Cyclical meetings are held to review working conditions, periodically assess safety conditions and give opinions on the measures taken by the employer to prevent accidents at work.

Our employees receive not only mandatory health and safety training in line with legal requirements, but also specialised training tailored to their positions and functions. We also focus a great deal of attention on training to raise awareness of the chemicals and mixtures used. The training also cover first aid as well as mandatory health and safety measures for subcontractors. We regularly carry out evacuation drills and trial hazard alarms and constantly raise the level of health and safety awareness and culture through the regular distribution of educational material in electronic and traditional form. Each of our activities is based on local legislation, but also on good practice and standardisation requirements.

The safety of employees, subcontractors, partners and visitors to our plant is supervised by the LG Fire Service Team. Employees of the Rescue and Fire Fighting Centre monitor processes and products in the context of preventing major industrial accidents, such as fire, flooding, leakage, among others. There is also a medical clinic on our premises.

Social issues


Acting in accordance with the tenets of our Code of Ethics, we respect the dignity of our employees and ensure that they are treated equally, regardless of their origin, gender or age. We create a friendly working environment and support employees in their development. Our offer include a wide range of upskilling training courses, both online and live at the company’s Learning Centre. Training topics include soft skills (e.g. communication, stress management, conflict resolution), technical competences (Six Sigma, Lean Management, FMEA, SPC, Excel, etc.), certifications (IATF, internal auditors, etc.) and foreign languages (English, Korean).

Out of concern for the health of our employees, we offer attractive insurance and medical packages. LG Energy Solution Wrocław employees have at their disposal in-house gyms and sports benefits (Multisport card). Caring for the well-being of our employees, they are also offered training and workshops in wellbeing and mindfulness.

Flexible working hours, a relocation package and subsidised meals in the in-company canteen are just some of the benefits of working at LG. More information is available on the Career page.

Social issues


With the welfare of local communities in mind, we are committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). We actively support associations providing assistance to people in need by making in-kind and cash donations. We are also active in the development of education: a cooperation has been established with universities and technical schools and we are the main funder of the Electromobility Laboratory at Wrocław University of Technology.

Social issues


LG Energy Solution has implemented a Supplier Code of Conduct and LG Energy Solution’s Responsible Supply Chain Policy, which is based on international guidelines and standards such as the OECD, UN and ILO. These documents contain basic rules of conduct for our company and suppliers to mitigate ESG risks (including those related to human rights, labour rights, ethics, health and safety, environmental impacts, etc.) in the supply chain.
LG Energy Solution Responsible Supply Chain Policy
Code of Conduct for Suppliers

In line with our company’s procedures, when selecting new suppliers, potential contractors are assessed for ESG risks. Suppliers with whom we already work are also subject to a cyclical assessment. We require our suppliers to implement a due diligence system to avoid sourcing raw materials from conflict areas or high-risk areas. We also check that our suppliers comply with the Supplier Code of Conduct, conduct external audits for high-risk suppliers, plan corrective actions and oversee their implementation. For more information, please see: Managing ESG Risks in Our Supply Chains.

Social issues


To ensure the highest quality of our products, we have implemented a rigorous management system and programmes to guarantee their safety. Our quality management system has been certified to IATF 16949 (Quality Management in the Automotive Industry) and ISO 9001:2015.

Corporate governance


At LG Energy Solution Wrocław, we conduct business activities based on creating value for customers and management based on respect for human dignity. We promote free market principles and fair competition and care about the highest quality of products and support the long-term development of our contractors.


Our Code of Ethics sets out the core values and principles of conduct applicable to LG Energy Solution Wrocław in terms of, among other things, compliance with the law, avoidance of corruption, respect for human rights and labour laws, taking precautions to protect the environment, health and safety.


Each employee is required to follow Jeong-Do Management (The Right Way), which sets out the proper management of ethical issues, including the principles under the LG Code of Ethics and related regulations. A website dedicated to Jeong-Do Management is available for our employees, which includes ethical conduct guidelines, a Q&A section, and whistleblower channels.

Our online system (Ethics Hotline) ) allows whistleblower reports to be made around the clock. Anonymous reports from whistleblowers are accepted. Once a report is received, the need to initiate a case investigation is considered. We do not tolerate retaliatory behaviour against whistleblowers in good faith.

Our employees receive training on ethical behaviour and whistleblowing. A periodically distributed newsletter and other publications foster an attitude in line with Jeong-Do Management principles.

LG Code of Ethics
ESG publications

LG Energy Solution publishes an annual ESG report that presents key information related to sustainability issues. These reports are prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines (GRI: Core Option) and also refer to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Value Reporting Foundation Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (VRF SASB) guidelines and the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Disclosure (TCFD) were also taken into account in the preparation of the reports.